Beyond the Book: Seed Mosaics

Beyond the Book: Seed Mosaics

We believe in stories that carry themselves well beyond the pages of the book.  We're always looking for crafts, activities, and discussions that can help kids internalize and understand the good messages they just read about.  

For our November storytime collab with Page 158 Books, we featured the book from our Move Mountains box: From A Small Seed by Camille Andros and Tessa Blackham.  It's a beautiful picture-book biography detailing the life of Eliza Hamilton.  It follows a theme of how small seeds can grow deep roots and sprout up into something strong and immovable.

After author Camille Andros finished reading to the children (what a treat!), we introduced seed mosaics as a tangible way for them to explore how something small can grow bigger than you might have imagined.  Seed mosaics are an open-ended, sensory art project that is suitable for lots of ages because it can be as detailed or simple as you like.

To make one you'll need a variety of seeds in various shades and colors, paper, and glue.  That's it!  Children can use the glue to adhere the seeds to the paper in patterns or piles, realistically or abstractly.  Wherever their imagination takes them!

To go along with From A Small Seed, we provided a tree printout for the kids to work from.  For a quick thanksgiving hack, have the kids write what they're grateful for on little paper leaves and attach them, as well, to create a gratitude tree. Download your own tree printable right here.

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