Picture Books about Love

Picture Books about Love

Updating the kids' bookshelf is one of my favorite parts of any holiday.  I keep things pretty minimalist around here as far as decor goes, so the shelf is one of the focal points of seasonal celebrations.  

Books help both the kids and me to focus on the important messages behind the holiday.  For Valentine's Day, it's all about love.  Who do we love?  Why do we love them?  Can we show our love all year long?

These books demonstrate how kids can show love to others in heartfelt, meaningful ways.  They're a great tiny lesson on how to think of other people (and coincidentally be a great gift giver).

Lola Dutch, I Love You So Much: The third book in the adorable Lola Dutch series, this book is all about how Lola wants to show her friends she loves them.  She works to put together things that she knows will make them smile.

A Hat for Mrs. Goldman: Mrs. Goldman knits hats for everyone, just to show her care.  It's her mitzvah (good deed).  She even gave away her own hat to someone else who needed it more.  But what will Mrs. Goldman do now that she has no hat?  Will anyone be able to do a kind deed for her?

This is NOT a Valentine: This little boy is insistent.  What he is giving her is NOT a valentine.  It's just something he saw that made him think of her.  Something he knows she loves.  Something he knew would make her smile.  This book really shows what a gift of love looks like and expands it way beyond a paper card.

The Valentine Bears: Mr. and Mrs. Bear hibernate through Valentine's Day ever year because it's in the winter.  But not this year!  Mrs. Bear is determined to make this a special day for Mr. Bear.  And he might just have a little surprise for her, as well.

The Love Letter: How much power do words hold?  When a group of unsuspecting friends all stumble upon the same love letter over the course of the day, upside down turns right side up.  

My Heart: An illustrated poem about the heart and what it's capable of.  The juxtaposition of light and dark throughout the illustrations (because hearts can hold both bright and dark feelings) combined with the use of hearts on every page make this book incredibly beautiful.  See if your kids can find all the hearts on every page.

I Like You: A personal favorite of mine, this book published in 1984 is a classic.  An illustrated poem starting with "I like you and I know why..." and continuing on through a whole list of reasons.  Both hilarious and sweet, this small book is also perfectly sized for little fingers.

Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch: We ALL love Mr. Hatch!  Mr. Hatch leads a humdrum life all alone until one day he receives a mystery valentine.  Could somebody really love him?!  This shift in perspective changes everything for him.

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